AQAR Supporting Documents
Sr No | Criterion | Key Indicator | Metrics | Name of Document | File |
1 | 4 | 4.1 | 4.1.1 The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc. | Physical Facility | |
2 | 4 | 4.1 | 4.1.2 The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc. | Physical Facility Photo | |
3 | 4 | 4.1 | 4.1.3 Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc. | Smart Classroom | |
4 | 3 | 3.2 | 3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge | Innovation and Incubation | |
5 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) | Supporting Document AC | |
6 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Meeting and Notices | |
7 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Time Table and Workload Distribution | |
8 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Syllabus Completion Report | |
9 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Supporting Document Upload | |
10 | 1 | 1.3 | 1.3.2 Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship during the year | Project Link | |
11 | 1 | 1.3 | 1.3.2 Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship during the year | Internship Document | |
12 | 1 | 1.3 | 1.3.2 & 1.3.3 Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field work/internship during the year | Internship Document Certificate | |
13 | 2 | 2.2 | 2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners | Slow Learners and Advanced Learners | |
14 | 2 | 2.3 | 2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences | Student centric methods | |
15 | 2 | 2.5 | 2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode. Write description within 200 words. | Supporting Document Examination | |
16 | 2 | 2.5 | 2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient | Supporting Document Examination | |
17 | 2 | 2.6 | 2.6.2 Attainment of Programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution. | Supporting Document | |
18 | 2 | 2.6 | 2.6.3 Total number of final year students who passed the university examination during the year | Annual Report | |
19 | 3 | 3.3 | 3.3.1 How many Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher within the year | Guideship Letter | |
20 | 2 | 2.6 | 2.6.1 Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students. | POs, PSOs, and COs | |
21 | 4 | 4.2 | 4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) | Library Mangagement | |
22 | 5 | 5.1 | 5.1.3 5.1.3 - Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following: Soft skills Language and communication skills Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) ICT/computing skills | Supporting Document for Activity | |
23 | 7 | 7.1 | 7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year | Supporting Document | |
24 | 7 | 7.1 | 7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year | Supporting Document 2 | |
25 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution | Supporting Document | |
26 | 5 | 5.3 | 5.3.2 Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extracurricular activities (student council/ students representation on various bodies as per established processes and norms ) | Committee List for Students | |
27 | 6 | 6.3 | 6.3.1 The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff | Welfare Supporting Document | |
28 | 7 | 7.3 | 7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust | Supporting Document | |
29 | 6 | 6.2 | 6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc. | Organogram | |
30 | 6 | 6.3 | 6.3.5 Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non- teaching staff | API forms | |
31 | 6 | 6.5 | 6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities | Teaching Dairy | |
32 | 3 | 3.4 | 3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the year | Supporting Document | |
33 | 6 | 6.5 | 6.5.2 he institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities | Supporting Document | |
34 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management | Supporting Document Committee | |
35 | 4 | 4.3 | 4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi | Computers List and Bill | |
36 | 4 | 4.4 | 4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. | Agreement for maintance | |
37 | 5 | 5.1 | 5.1.1 Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the Government during the year | Supporting Document Govt. Scholarships | |
38 | 5 | 5.1 | 5.1.1 Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the Government during the year | Supporting Document Govt. Scholarships | |
39 | 6 | 6.2 | 6.2.1 The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed | Strategic/ perspective plan | |
40 | 6 | 6.2 | 6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc. | Functioning of the institute | |
41 | 6 | 6.4 | 6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the year with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a maximum of 200 words | Audit Statement | |
42 | 7 | 7.1 | 7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens | Supporting Document | |
43 | 1 | 1.4 | 1.4.1 Feedback process of the Institution | Feedback Action Taken Report | |
44 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Arts All Departments Meeting & Notice Year 2022-23 | |
45 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Science All Departments Meeting & Notice Year 2022-23 | |
46 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Commerce All Departments Meeting & Notice Year 2022-23 | |
47 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Syllabus Completion Report Art All Department (2022-23) | |
48 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Syllabus Completion Report Science All Department (2022-23) | |
49 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Syllabus Completion Report Commerce (2022-23) | |
50 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Time Table and Workload Art Faculty | |
51 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Time Table and Workload Science Faculty | |
52 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Time Table Workload For Commerce | |
53 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | Link For Supporting Document AQAR 2022-23 | |
54 | 2 | 2.2 | 2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners | Supporting Document For AQAR 2022-23 | |
55 | 2 | 2.5 | 2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode | Supporting Document 2.5.1 for AQAR 2022-23 | |
56 | 2 | 2.5 | 2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient | Supporting Document 2.5.2 for AQAR 2022-23 | |
57 | 2 | 2.7 | Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink) | Student Satisfaction Survey | |
58 | 2 | 2.7 | Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink) | Student Satisfaction Survey AY 2022-23 | |
59 | 3 | 3.2 | 3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
60 | 3 | 3.3 | 3.3.1 Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the year | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
61 | 5 | 5.1 | 5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following: Soft skills Language and communication skills Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) ICT/computing skills | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
62 | 5 | 5.3 | 5.3.2 Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extracurricular activities (student council/ students representation on various bodies as per established processes and norms ) | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
63 | 5 | 5.4 | 5.4.1 There is a registered Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and/or other support services | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
64 | 6 | 6.1.2 | 6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management. | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
65 | 6 | 6.3 | 6.3.1 The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
66 | 6 | 6.3.5 | Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non- teaching staff | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
67 | 6 | 6.4 | 6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the year with the mechanism for settling audit objections | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
68 | 6 | 6.4 | 6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
69 | 6 | 6.5. | 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
70 | 6 | 6.5 | 6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
71 | 7 | 7.1 | 7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year | AQAR 2022-23 Supporting Document | |
72 | 2 | 2.7 | Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink) | SSS 2022-23 | |
73 | 1 | 1.1 | 1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process | 1.1.1 Supporting Document 2023-24 | |
74 | 2 | 2.2 | 2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners | Advanced learners and slow learners supporting document 2023-24 | |
75 | 2 | 2.5 | 2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode. Write description within 200 words. | AQAR 2023-24 Support Doc | |
76 | 2 | 2.3 | 2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences | AQAR 2023-24 Support Doc | |
77 | 2 | 2.5 | 2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient | AQAR 2023-24 Support Doc | |
78 | 2 | 2.6 | 2.6.1 Programme and course outcomes for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and communicated to teachers and students. | CO PO Doc | |
79 | 2 | 2.6 | 2.6.2 Attainment of Programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution. | AQAR 2023-24 Support Doc | |
80 | 4 | 4.1 | 4.1.2 The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc. | AQAR 2023-24 Support Doc | |
81 | 4 | 4.1 | 4.1.3 Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc. | AQAR 2023-24 Support Doc | |
82 | 5 | 5.1 | 5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following: Soft skills Language and communication skills Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) ICT/computing skills | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
83 | 5 | 5.3 | 5.3.2 Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extracurricular activities (student council/ students representation on various bodies as per established processes and norms ) | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
84 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
85 | 7 | 7.1 | 7.1.1 7.1.1 - Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
86 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management. | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
87 | 6 | 6.3 | 6.3.1 The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
88 | 3 | 3.2 | 3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
89 | 3 | 3.4 | 3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the year | AQAR 2023-24 Support Doc | |
90 | 6 | 6.5 | 6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
91 | 6 | 6.5 | 6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
92 | 6 | 6.4 | 6.4.3 6.4.3 - Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |
93 | 6 | 6.4 | 6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the year with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a maximum of 200 words | AQAR 2023-24 Supporting Doc | |